Morningside/McCormick Neighborhood

Morningside header

Neighborhood Association Meetings

The Morningside/McCormick Neighborhood Association meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 5:00 pm at Erwin Davis Memorial Park (summertime). Check Morningside’s Facebook page for winter locations. All are welcome.

On the Web

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Northview Neighborhood

Northview header

Neighborhood Association Meetings

The Northview Neighborhood Association meets at 6:00 pm every 3rd Monday of the month at Northview Elementary School, 807 W. Yale Ave.

More info about Northview will be posted as it becomes available.

Do you have information about this area that you’d like to share?  Contact Building Better Neighborhoods.  We’d love to hear about it!

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.