Riverside/Normal City Neighborhood

Neighborhood Association Meetings

Riverside/Normal City meets on the fourth Wednesday of every other month at 7:00 pm starting in January 2025. Please check the RNC facebook page for updates to meeting dates, times and locations. All are welcome.

In Spring 2015, neighborhood residents participated in a survey conducted by Ball State sociology students. Information about the class as well as the survey results may be found here.

Bylaws (pdf)

Brochure side 1 | side 2

Want to get in contact? Email RiversideNormalCity@gmail.com

Neighborhood Action Plan

Residents of Riverside/Normal City worked with Ball State University Urban Planning students in the Fall of 2015 to develop a Neighborhood Action Plan. This plan will help the neighborhood focus its revitalization efforts on the opportunities identified within the RNAP. In addition to the website, a Neighborhood Association Handbook was also created as a guide for strengthening community and creating neighborhood change.


On the Web

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Riverside-Normal-City-Neighborhood-Association/751764798190909
BSU Ethnographic Methods project: website | video

Neighborhood Maps

Riverside Normal City map (pdf)
Assigning the Living Quality of Muncie Neighborhoods Using Remote Sensing and GIS (Immersive Learning Project)


2016 Spring Newsletter (pdf)
2016 Summer Newsletter (pdf)

2016 IDEA Conference Poster


(click the image to view the full poster as a pdf)

Fine out what others think and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Southeast Neighborhood

10982482_822676317779299_7178856722788362403_nNeighborhood Meetings

The Southeast Neighborhood Association meets in conjunction with the Blaine Neighborhood at the Serenity Club, 1218 S. Brotherton, on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. All are welcome!

Neighborhood Action Plan

Neighborhood residents worked with immersive learning students from Ball State’s College of Architecture and Urban Planning to develop a neighborhood action plan. To see the efforts of this collaborative project, please follow this link Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Action Plan 2014.

On April 14, 2015, the Ball State Daily News published an article about the Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Action Plan. Follow this link to view the full article.

KaBoom Playground Grant

In November 2014, the Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Association was granted a $15,000 KaBoom Playground grant to purchase equipment for a neighborhood playground. Residents have formed a playground committee and are currently working towards a build date in August 2015. To learn more about this exciting project, please click here.

On the Web


Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Blaine Neighborhood

Blaine header

10982482_822676317779299_7178856722788362403_nNeighborhood Meetings

The Blaine Neighborhood Association meets in conjunction with the Southeast Neighborhood at the Serenity Club, 1218 S. Brotherton, on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. All are welcome!

Neighborhood Action Plan

Neighborhood residents worked with immersive learning students from Ball State’s College of Architecture and Urban Planning to develop a neighborhood action plan. To see the efforts of this collaborative project, please follow this link Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Action Plan 2014.

On April 14, 2015, the Ball State Daily News published an article about the Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Action Plan. Follow this link to view the full article.

KaBoom Playground Grant

In November 2014, the Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Association was granted a $15,000 KaBoom Playground grant to purchase equipment for a neighborhood playground. Residents have formed a playground committee and are currently working towards a build date in August 2015. To learn more about this exciting project, please click here.

On the Web


Neighborhood Map

Blaine map (pdf)

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.
Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Old West End Neighborhood

Old West End header


The Old West End Historic District is an area of roughly 28 city blocks located on the west edge of Muncie’s central business district. The area is largely residential with some commercial uses along State Road 32 (West Jackson Street) and Liberty Street. Structures in the district represent a range of architectural styles dating from the mid-nineteenth century to early twentieth centuries. The district contains the largest collection of late Victorian residential architecture in the city. The majority of the houses in the district were built between 1880 and 1915, during the “gas boom” era in Muncie. Muncie’s “west end” differed much from the city’s more fashionable “east end” in that many of its residents were descendants of early pioneers whose fortunes were made prior to the industrialized success of the late 1880’s. Many of the residences are large and elegant homes of frame or brick construction with extensive exterior details and embellishments. The Queen Anne style, and derivatives, are prevalent throughout the district, but the Greek Revival, Gothic Revival, Italianate, Foursquare, Colonial Revival and Bungalow styles are among the other late 19th- early 20th century modes represented. For more information about the history of the Old West End, please visit the Historic Muncie website at http://www.historicmuncie.org/history/.

In 2015, a Ball State University immersive learning class under the direction of history professor Ronald Morris created an interactive website to share the interesting histories of Muncie’s founding families, gas boom barons and military veterans. Explore Beech Grove Cemetery includes about 50 biographies as well as bike routes, a list of monuments and a geocaching experience. Established 1841, the cemetery which is located within the Old West End neighborhood is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Neighborhood Association Meetings

The Old West End neighborhood association meets every 4th Tuesday of every other month (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Dec) at 6:30 pm at the Friends Memorial Church, 418 W. Adams St., Muncie, IN 47305. All are welcome.

On the Web

Website – https://sites.google.com/site/oldwestendneighborhood/

FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/OldWestEndNeighborhoodAssociation

Email – oldwestend@gmail.com

Neighborhood Action Plan

UPDATED: 2018 Old West End Neighborhood Action Plan

In the fall of 2013, students from Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning under the direction of BSU Faculty member Lisa Dunaway, worked alongside residents to create the Old West End Neighborhood Action Plan (OWENAP). The student project won several prestigious awards, including the national American Planning Association’s AICP Student Project Award in 2014 and the 2015 Hoosier Planning Award for Outstanding Student Project.

To learn more about the plan itself you may read the OWENAP narrative or watch this video created by Ball State telecommunications students.


Neighborhood Map

Old West End map (pdf)

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Ball State University Neighborhood


Ball State University was founded in 1899 when Muncie business leaders, including the Ball family, envisioned a local college for private teacher training in the hopes of boosting the city’s development.  Over the years the campus has been a temporary home to thousands of students and faculty for the duration of their on-campus educational experience.  Read more about Ball State’s general history here.

Every year about 40 percent of Ball State’s on-campus student body choose to live in one of their 31 residence halls or 2 apartment complexes.

Neighborhood Association Meetings:

The Ball State Neighborhood is made up primarily of the non-local students who reside in on campus facilities such as residence halls or University owned apartment complexes. Due to the unique and somewhat transitory makeup of this neighborhood’s residents, they do not have a traditional neighborhood association.  Instead, Ball State offers its student residents a myriad of ways to get involved both on campus, and with the local community. Student Life helps to oversee the more than 400 student organizations, leadership development programs, community service opportunities, and multi-cultural organizations that help enrich the residential experience.


On the Web:

Ball State Housing and Residence Life

Campus Life




Neighborhood Maps:

Residence Hall and Campus Apartments Location Map

Ball State Campus Map

Virtual Tour

Print-friendly Campus Map (pdf)

Print-friendly Visitor’s Parking Map (pdf)

Campus Buildings

Campus Shuttle Buses

Disability Access

Escort Services (Charlie’s Charter)

To learn more about how to get involved in the campus community, please visit Ball State Housing and Residence Life.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.