September 12, 2015 – Be My Neighbor Day

“Neighbors always help you out. That’s what a good neighbor’s all about” – Daniel Tiger

This free family event was held at Canan Commons and focused on the importance of being a good neighbor. Children were invited to use a “neighborhood map” to visit all of the booths where our community’s great neighbors “live.”

The organizations at each booth offered activities that touched on the importance of being a good neighbor or giving back to your community.

East Central Neighborhood Display @ Kennedy Library

A note from Annie Poole, ECNA resident and association board member:

If you have a chance, please stop by the Kennedy Branch Library this month and check out the East Central Neighborhood display in the cases along the north wall.  Mike Mavis and I filled all 4 cases with Emily Kimbrough books and memorabilia and they look wonderful, if I may say so myself. We also were able to work in education about our neighborhood and the Washington Street Festival into the displays. In fact, the table display is mostly centered around the Festival. A big thank you to Mike who was able to provide some really unique and interesting Emily items and to Dawn for the complete collection of Emily’s books. It really looks fantastic…. Emily’s books have never shined more brightly since they were published.

Go check it out!!!!

July 26th – East Central Neighborhood Association Picnic in the Park

The East Central Neighborhood Association hosted the Annual Picnic in the Park Summer Celebration on Sunday, July 26th from 1-3:00 pm at Washington Park. The picnic included a cookout with free hot dogs and hamburgers, sides, drinks and ice cream for all neighborhood residents and their guests. This relaxing lunch was a great chance to connect or reconnect with neighbors and included activities for the kids so the grown ups had a chance to sit back and chat.