April 27, 2015 – ALL-IN Block Party at the Delaware County Fair Grounds (Heartland Hall)

The Delaware County Wellness Group hosted the first Muncie – Delaware County ALL-IN Block Party at the Delaware County Fairgrounds’ Heartland Hall. The goal of the block party was to inspire community knowledge and pride. Indiana Humanities awarded The Delaware County Wellness Group a small grant to put on this event, which was described as “A Community wide event where folks complete a series of fun and thought-provoking challenges that build local pride.”  Participants circulated to booths run by different community organizations and at each booth they completed an activity.  The event provided participants 10 challenges that allowed them to  Explore, Discover, Read, Remember, Participate, Connect and Dream about the place where we live, learn, work, and play!

The Muncie Action Plan Task Force 2’s booth asked participants to share a favorite memory of Muncie, a piece of advice, or a family recipe. To view the REMEMBER postcards made during the event, please click here.

All-IN Block Party flier (pdf)

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