Philosophy for High School Students

Philosophy encourages students to ask questions, look at familiar things in new ways, listen to one another, and examine personal beliefs and positions. It is a fantastic way for high school students to learn about themselves and the world around them. It also helps them prepare for their futures in a complex, ever-changing world. Students in this immersive learning class explored best practices in philosophy education for high school students, ran a high school philosophy club at Muncie Central, and finally, planned and hosted an innovative, state-wide, high school philosophy conference at Ball State.

Spring 2019

Faculty Mentor: Sarah Vitale
Department: Philosophy and Religious Studies
Community Partner: Muncie Central High School
Students: Mendim Akiti, Hannah Bartholf, Kasey Brandenburg, Grace Dudas, Daniel Klinestiver, Zoe Lawson, Abigail Meus, John Rash, Cameron Surdyk, Dusti Troyer, Alexis Wood

Spring 2018

Faculty Mentor: Sarah Vitale
Department: Philosophy and Religious Studies
Community Partner: Muncie Central High School
Students: Justin Archer, Hannah Bartholf, Elizabeth Bolinger, Daniel Klinestiver, Zoe Lawson, Michael Mares, Owen Miller, Luke Owens, Gabriel Shetterley, Lexi Wood

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