Book Arts Collaborative 2018-19

Book Arts Collaborative is a community letterpress and book bindery located in the Madjax Building in downtown Muncie. Each semester, we preserve and teach apprentice-taught skills and run a small business. Students are taught analog design skills, business skills, and professionalization of all majors.

Faculty Mentors: Rai Peterson
Departments: English
Community Partners: Tribune Showprint Posters, Inc.
Students: Jodi Aleshire, Danielle Borst, Jessica Bowles, Lane Cary, Erin Davenport, Marie Drascic, Sarah Fox, Rachel Haywood, Morgan Kaufman, Carolyn Kelley, Whitney Kendall, Rayah O’Rear, Katie Obryan, Carrie Pawlovich, Bonnie Prindle, Aaron Stephens, Simeon Stults, Taylor Townsend, Kelli Turkupolis

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