Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders: Character and Leadership Devlopment at the Boys and Girls Club of Muncie

At the Boys & Girls Club of Muncie, leadership and character development are paramount. This immersive learning project put this important program in to action through developing a leadership curriculum for the club teens. This program is comprised of five session including self-awareness, teamwork, conflict management, social media presence, and goals and values. Through interactive learning experiences, the content is tied in to leadership development as it relates to the club members. The teens will also complete pre and post-tests to determine effectiveness of the program. The ultimate goal is to have this content become part of the Boys & Girls Club of America development data base.

Faculty Mentor: Peggy Fisher
Department: Communication Studies
Community Partner: Boys & Girls Club of Muncie
Students: Jasmine Cash, Margaret Ernst, Jacob Griffin, Allison Grime, Meranda Herbert-Reich, Robert Higgins, Oana Nae, Lea Newman, Siduri Purnell, Samantha Starcher

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