Riverside/Normal City Neighborhood Action Plan – Fall 2015

The Riverside/Normal City Neighborhood Action Plan (RNAP) is a citizen-generated policy regarding the future of the neighborhood, containing initiatives that were developed by the residents of the neighborhood with the assistance of 14 Ball State students.  The RNAP will fall under the umbrella of the Muncie Action Plan, which is a strategic guide for the city to create an action agenda for the future. Students researched historical facts, compiled and analyzed census data, and designed and conducted a survey for neighborhood residents.  A RNAP Handbook was also produced as a document to aid citizen planners when they begin to enact initiatives from the Plan.

This project follows the Spring 2015 Project, Riverside/Normal City Neighborhood Survey and was led by Faculty Mentor, Lisa Dunaway in the Department of Urban Planning. View the video created for the project below, or visit their website for more information.

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