This video, produced by Chris Flook was created by Ball State Student Media. Follow them on Vimeo!
Director: Ben Redar
Producer: Chris Kosinski
Executive Producer: Chris Flook
Assistant Director: Brad Dailey
Cinematographer: R. Aaron Webster
Interviewees: James Connolly, Lauren Connor, Jud Fisher, Bruce Geelhoed, Karen Vincent
Music: Barbara De Biasi
Voice-Over: Michael Dangerfield
1st Assistant Camera: Rachel Hopkins and Olivia Laird
2nd Assistant Camera: Haley Turk
Camera Operator: Joe Sailer
Chief Lighting Technician: Daniel Johnson
Grips: Mark Miller and Jillian Clark
Production Sound Mixer: Miranda Wuestefeld
Story by: Ben Redar and Chris Flook
Research: Ronald V. Morris and Chris Flook
Editors: Ben Redar and Chris Flook
Colorist: R. Aaron Webster
Motiongraphics and Animation: Chris Flook
Funding: Ball Brothers Foundation
Special Thanks: The Ball Brothers Foundation, Minnetrista, Kelli Huth, Stacey Alexander, John Straw, Neil Coil, Earl Conn, Augusta Wray, Susan Smith, Karen Vincent, Betty Brewer, Jud Fisher, Kris Scott, Jarred Scott, Tim Pollard, Joshua Carroll, Bracken Archives and Special Collections, Terry King, Lori Byers, Roger Lavery