Western Woods Neighborhood Successfully Lobbies for 4-Way Stop

After a resident petition and several public meetings, a representative from the Muncie Street Department delivered the final proposal for the Clarksdale & McKenzie intersection at Western Woods’ April 22nd meeting. There will be a 4 way stop (2 on Riverside, 1 at Clarksdale and 1 at McKenzie), 2 – 30ft ADA compliant sidewalks on each side of Riverside leading up to the crossing and pedestrian activated crossing lights that are the same as found on University Ave. in the Village. Duke Campbell, Street Department Superintendent will present the plan to the Board of Works at their May 6th meeting. He will then speak with the owners where the sidewalks will be placed and proceed with construction as soon as possible. The next step will be installing the lights. Additionally, Riverside and West View Boulevard will be repaved this summer.

The completion date is projected to be before the end of May as the Catalina Swim Club will be opening and Muncie Public Schools will be ending soon after. Concerns were expressed at the public meetings about possible traffic back-ups during peak times in the morning and evening and possible issues for pedestrians experiencing a false sense of security from the crossing lights. These issues will require educating pedestrians, bicyclists, runners, and the driving public.

The President of the Western Woods Neighborhood Association, Sylvia McVey would like to express her appreciation to everyone that attended the meetings to voice their opinions and help find a solution.

Immersive Learning in the NEWS

On April 14th, the Ball State Daily News wrote an article highlighting the BSU immersive learning class that worked with the Blaine/Southeast neighborhood association to develop their Action Plan. Please follow this link to view the full article. To view the Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Action Plan, please click here.

Neighborhood Walking Groups

Walking is a relatively easy form of exercise for people of all ages and abilities. It doesn’t cost much to participate, has a low risk of injury and many physical and mental benefits including increased energy and stamina, feeling and looking better, and burning calories to either lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

The IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Foundation has been successful in initiating walking groups for the public and within small neighborhoods. If there is sufficient interest in your neighborhood circles to start a walking club, please contact Matt Cox, community outreach associate, IU Health BMH Foundation at 765.751.6346 or via e-mail at mcox13@iuhealth.org. We can provide you and your group with resources and encouragement to get started!


Be Smart About Safety

The City of Muncie now offers a free new service to help emergency response. Residents are encouraged to sign up for Smart911 to give 9-1-1 and public safety valuable information about your household. This information will be available when you make a 9-1-1 call and will help officials respond to you during a disaster. Providing these details ahead of time can save valuable seconds or even minutes during an emergency. You can also opt-in to receive emergency notifications from your community in the event you need to be alerted about an emergency or disaster.

Seconds count when…

– There’s a weather emergency.
– You are forced to evacuate.
– Power is knocked out.
– A disaster strikes.

Seconds Save Lives. Sign Up Today.

Smart911 Flier (pdf)

Smart911 Website

Smart911 Facebook


Storer Elementary Town Hall Meeting

The March 11, 2015 edition of the Star Press reported on a public meeting in which Superintendent of Schools Tim Heller proposed the possibility of closing Storer Elementary School as a cost-cutting measure. Mr. Heller will meet with the neighborhood and the community to continue this discussion on April 08th at 6:30 pm in the Storer Elementary gymnasium. This meeting is open to to the public and all are invited to attend.

UPDATE – This meeting was cancelled after the school board determined that Storer would not be closed at the end of the 2015 school year.

MAP TF2 T-shirts

Muncie Neighborhoods Graphic Map

The Muncie Action Plan’s Task Force 2 will be ordering t-shirts of the design created by Kyle Johnson, Director of the Delaware County’s GIS Department. The design will be printed in white lettering on a dark blue t-shirt and will be available in all sizes. If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, please download this MAP t-shirt order form (pdf) and send it with your payment to the address listed on the form.