A portion of the ex-Chevy property on East 8th St. has been acquired by the Ross Community Center and will become part of a revamped and enlarged youth baseball facility. Funds for the purchase were provided by the Ball Brothers Foundation, which has remained committed to supporting revitalization efforts in the city’s Thomas Park/Avondale neighborhood. More information about the sale can be found in this Star Press article
Little Free Libraries – Free Community Birthday Celebration
BY5 is the leading organization for early childhood awareness in Muncie and Delaware County, Indiana. Through a variety of task force and volunteer efforts, BY5 improves opportunities for children aged 0-5 to reach their developmental potential. BY5’s Little Free Library Task Force is working to empower a joyful culture of literacy by supporting a network of Little Free Libraries in Delaware County, Indiana. Please join BY5 in celebrating the “birth” of the Delaware County Little Free Library Network.
For more information about the local Little Free Library initiative and how you can get involved, please visit the BY5 website.
Muncie High School Consolidation Oral History Project
During the 2014-15 academic year, the Center for Middletown Studies completed an oral history project that focused on the consolidation of Muncie Central and Muncie Southside High Schools. Center staff completed 25 interviews and developed a supporting archive. The interviews are available online athttp://libx.bsu.edu/cdm/landingpage/collection/MncHSCnsOHP.
Center staff will present a summary of the project’s findings on Wednesday night, October 28th, at the Muncie Public Library’s Kennedy Branch. The event will take place at 6:30 pm in the library’s meeting room.
The project was supported by the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County and the Muncie Public Library. The presentation is free and open to the public.
Nurse Family Partnership Now Accepting Referrals
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) pairs mothers pregnant with their first child with a registered nurse for ongoing home visits aimed at supporting mothers and families in providing the very best start for their children during the earliest, most developmentally critical years.
Please view the Nurse Family Partnership Referral Information document for more information about the referral process.
All Aboard: Board Leadership in Motion Workshop
Shafer Leadership Academy is conducting a free workshop titled All Aboard: Board Leadership in Motion on Wednesday, November 11th from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Innovation Connector (1208 W. White River Blvd, Muncie).
It is a three-hour workshop ideal for individuals who have a desire to serve on a not-for-profit board.
Participant Takeaways include:
- An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a not-for-profit board member
- How to determine board opportunities that match interests, skills, & desired level of commitment
- Guidance on how to be an effective board member
- Insight on how to find potential board member opportunities
- Descriptions of board member opportunities currently available in the area
Here is a link with additional program details and how to register – http://www.shaferleadership.com/all-aboard-2/.
East Central Neighborhood Display @ Kennedy Library
A note from Annie Poole, ECNA resident and association board member:
If you have a chance, please stop by the Kennedy Branch Library this month and check out the East Central Neighborhood display in the cases along the north wall. Mike Mavis and I filled all 4 cases with Emily Kimbrough books and memorabilia and they look wonderful, if I may say so myself. We also were able to work in education about our neighborhood and the Washington Street Festival into the displays. In fact, the table display is mostly centered around the Festival. A big thank you to Mike who was able to provide some really unique and interesting Emily items and to Dawn for the complete collection of Emily’s books. It really looks fantastic…. Emily’s books have never shined more brightly since they were published.
Go check it out!!!!