Proposals Are Now Being Accepted for the 2nd Annual Neighborhood IDEA Conference – March 4, 2017

UPDATE: We’re booked! Proposals are no longer being accepted for this year’s conference.

On March 5, 2016, 130 Muncie residents attended the first Neighborhood I.D.E.A. Conference.

The Muncie Action Plan, Shafer Leadership Academy and Building Better Neighborhoods are partnering once again to support the development of neighborhood leaders.

The second annual Neighborhood I.D.E.A. Conference is scheduled for March 4, 2017 on Ball State’s campus. Over 100 of Muncie’s most active local leaders will gather to listen, learn and meet like-minded individuals to share ideas and best practices.

Learn more about this year’s conference in this excellent article over at the MuncieJournal!

The theme of the conference is Intentional Development and Education for Association Members. Sessions will fall within four distinct tracks:

  1. Beautification and Infrastructure
  2. Partnering with Local Officials
  3. Teamwork and Collaboration
  4. Association Development

Do you have an idea you would like to share at the conference or a topic you want to see discussed? We are currently taking submissions. The Call for Proposals can be found here.

For those individuals and organizations who are interested in presenting at this conference, please submit proposals by January 9th. Questions may be directed to Krista Flynn, BSU Office of Community Engagement at