i-Made (Indiana Made) Muncie: Custom Fabricated Design-through-Production (ongoing)

Over the past three semesters, students and industry partners used “design-through-production” methods to prototype and assemble full-scale design solutions for area non-profits. Some of the products developed, fabricated, and constructed included benches and other structures for Minnetrista’s campus and farmers’ market. The students also redesigned the courtyard area at the MadJax location downtown. These improvements will benefit the entire community as Minnetrista and MadJax continue to play a central role in cultural enhancement for the City of Muncie.

Spring 2020 Semester

Faculty Mentor: Kevin Klinger
Department: Architecture
Community Partners: Minnetrista Cultural Center, MadJax, and Midwest Metals, and the Indiana Hardwood and Lumberman’s Association
Students: Craig AdamsJacob BurrisSchyler CerqueiraCaleb DavisTorey Dunn, Mitchell Geis, Jessica Franke James Harris, Nick Kiefer, Daniel KlemenJoseph Koslow, Scottie Manners, Rhiley McIntire, Al Mitchell, Austin Obermeyer, Emma OckenSteven PolchinskiLandon Underwood, Cole Walters, Olivia Zepp

Fall 2019 Semester

Faculty Mentor: Kevin Klinger
Department: Architecture
Community Partners: Indiana Hardwoods (IHLA), Midwest Metals, Minnetrista, Mobile Market


Healthy Moms, Healthy Communities: Understanding Perceptions and Evaluating Maternal Opioid Treatment in Muncie

In the United States, opioid prescriptions and subsequent use are on the rise, particularly among pregnant women. Opioid-addicted women, however, face numerous obstacles in receiving care. These obstacles are shaped by cultural and environmental factors surrounding them, such as access to transportation and community-wide stigma that often exacerbates addiction. In this immersive learning project, students worked with the Suzanne Gresham Center to learn about the opioid epidemic in the Muncie community. Students conducted interviews with community members, learned how to analyze qualitative data, and developed an educational product that provides the community information on the opioid epidemic among pregnant women in Muncie.

Faculty Mentors: Caitlyn Leonardson-Placek, Jennifer Wies, Jean Marie Place
Department: Anthropology, Nutrition and Health Science
Community Partner: Suzanne Gresham Center
Students: Kendall Brophy, Lydia Egan, Genevieve George, Gwyneth Harris, Sage Hatcher, Shelbie Hathaway, Natalie Hudanick, Alejandra Ibarra, Courtney Johnson,
Mikayla Kauffman, Kathryn Loving, Dana Northam, Victoria Petriskey,
Rhyan Radabaugh, Wambui Watene, Mia Williams, Anuoluwapo Adeboje, Kyle Basicker, Beau Carpenter, Grant Coil, Lauren Cooper, Jacob Dragt, Amanda Gray, Maurita Greene, Helen Helfer, Kahleigha Johnson, Charlee Krugler, Jacob Mccoy, Erin Miller, Jala Miller, Sarah Mueller, Brittany Novak, Katherine Porter, Olivia Porter, Emily Riordan, Payton Sanders, Kayla Scott, Erin Simons, Alexus Sturdivant, Kimiko Thomas, Destony Warner, Raeshawn Weeks,

Energy Assessment for Small Commercial Buildings in Muncie

In this immersive energy assessment course, students received instruction in current assessment techniques and then used tools and equipment to assess energy utilization for small local commercial buildings in partnership with business professionals. After learning the proper role and methodology for each energy assessment tool, the collected data was turned into readily understandable remediation information for building owners. Additionally, the class investigated the feasibility of implementing the suggested measures along with the anticipated long-term financial return.

Faculty Mentor: Sherif Attallah
Department: Construction Management and Interior Design
Community Partner: Muncie Chamber of Commerce
Students: Michale Delong, Cassie Dorony, Ethan Hacker, Josh Hillery, Avery Reiter, Hannah Schuler, Colten Showalter,
Brian Szymanski, Jacob Wendrickx, Kevin Zielinski

Fall 2019 Ball State Immersive Learning Projects

Ball State faculty, students, and community partners worked together this Fall on a number of immersive learning projects in and around Muncie.

Beneficence Records (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Daniel Porter, School of Music
Community Partner:  Indiana Public Radio

Campus Sexual Assault and Rape Culture in the Age of #MeToo 
Faculty Fellow:  Jill Christman, Department of English
Community Partner:  Jana’s Campaign and The Facing Project

Computer Science for Middle Schoolers (CS4MS) (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Dave Largent, Department of Computer Science
Community Partners:  Burris Laboratory School, Muncie Central High School, Northside Middle School

i-Made (Indiana Made) Muncie:  Custom Fabricated Design-through-Production (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Kevin Klinger, Department of Architecture
Community Partners:  Indiana Hardwoods (IHLA), Midwest Metals, Minnetrista, Mobile Market

The Junior Producers Club
Faculty Mentor:  Christoph Thompson, School of Music
Community Partners:  Boys and Girls Club, Buley Community Center

Makerspaces as an Opportunity to Cultivate and Reinforce Cultural Identity in Post-Industrial Cities 
Faculty Fellow:  Laura Romano, Department of English
Community Partner:  Muncie Arts and Culture Council

Muncie Micro-Cinema
Faculty Mentor:  Maura Jasper, School of Art
Community Partner:  Muncie Arts and Culture Council

Muncie Neighborhood Visual Identity Design (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Shantanu Suman, School of Art
Community Partners:  Building Better Neighborhoods, Muncie Action Plan

Preserving the Past and Looking Toward the Future:  Historic Preservation and Digital Storytelling for a Muncie Landmark Church
Faculty Mentor:  Peggy Fisher, Department of Communication Studies
Community Partner:  St. Mary Church

Reconstructed Early Language and Literacy Learning: Addressing school readiness through critically conscious listening centers
Faculty Mentors:  Emily Hoffman, Department of Early Childhood, Youth and Family Studies; Kristin Cipollone, Department of Elementary Education
Community Partner:  Huffer Memorial Children’s Center

Resiliency Plan for Muncie
Faculty Mentor: Michael Burayidi, Department of Urban Planning
Community Partner: City of Muncie

Sitting at the Feet of our Muncie Elders:  Stories of Resistance and Resiliency
Faculty Mentor: Darolyn “Lyn” Jones
Community Partner: Westminster Village, Muncie Delaware County Senior Center, Moth Danner and YART (Yard Sale for Art).

Office of Community Engagement’s 18-19 Annual Report

Office of Community Engagement Report Cover

OCE Annual Report 18-19 linked imageCurious about what the Ball State Office of Community Engagement was up to last year? HINT: they were busy! They’ve shared their 2018-2019 Annual Report on ISSU. Check it out!

Our 2018-2019 activities have largely focused in four areas:

  1. Deepening Ball State’s involvement in city, county, and regional initiatives;
  2. Strengthening the culture of community engagement across the university;
  3. Connecting to networks of community-engaged institutions across the nation; and
  4. Celebrating campus and community successes.

A PDF version is available for download at on Box.