Each year at the conference, outstanding neighborhoods are recognized for their leadership, projects, and beautification efforts! Check out our past winners to learn more about the amazing work being done by neighborhoods across Muncie.
Neighborhood Awards:

Summer Reading Program for Longfellow Students Neighborhood Project of the Year
Beginning at the end of the school year, last year, this program ran through the months of June & July. The goal was to increase the students’ reading over the summer by setting a goal of logging at least twenty minutes of reading a day. Also, there was an essay contest that required the student to write an essay on one of the books they read over the summer. All student participants received gift cards and prizes. Parents that participated received a twenty-dollar gas card, and the winner of the essay contest for each grade level would receive a grand prize which consisted of bicycles, stem kits and an oculus quest 2. Prizes were handed out at a pizza party at the beginning of the school year. There were 80 Participants, 96 Essays graded, 23,400 minutes of reading recorded, and over 500 books read. Initiated by the Whitely Education Committee, on behalf of the Whitely Community Council.

Courtney Marsh, President of Muncie Southside Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Leader of the Year
This person has been a part of their Association since its creation in 2018. They are a tireless advocate for their neighbors and has been a faithful attendee of the IDEA Conference. From sending annual Christmas Cards, to picking up the bubbles and pizza for events, no task is too small for their attention. They were also instrumental in the Neighborhoods ARP Planning Committee. When a well known and loved member of the Muncie Neighborhood Community passed away in 2022, they were the first to suggest a Neighborhood Celebration be named in his honor, the Mark Kinman Family Fun Night. “Courtney is one of the best human beings I’ve ever met. She loves her community and the Southside and will be the reason why the Neighborhood Association is successful for years to come.”
Annual Neighborhood and Leadership Awards
Minnetrista APR Resident Micro-Grant Program 2023 Neighborhood Project of the Year
The Neighborhood ARP program has allowed neighborhood associations to dream big – while COVID caused a period of disconnection and disillusion – this ARP funded project has generated excitement and has worked to bring neighbors back together. 69 neighbors were given the opportunity to improve their homes. Not only were residents excited about their own projects, but they were also excited to see what their neighbors were working on. Visually, the improvements can be seen across the neighborhood: newly planted flowers and trees, fixed fences, and home repairs. But as a result of this project, more residents are regularly attending monthly neighborhood meetings. This ARP funded project shows the impact a neighborhood association can have on both the individual lives of neighbors and on their shared lived experience.
Brad King, President of Old West End Neighborhood Association 2023 Neighborhood Leader of the Year Award
Described by neighborhood association members and peers as a driven leader and a servant to their community, Brad has dedicated many years to numerous non-profit boards and committees and was instrumental in rebuilding their long-defunct neighborhood association. They are the type of leader who welcomes new neighbors by knocking on their door and personally inviting them to attend association meetings. They have built pocket parks and held community events, hosted cookouts after cleanups, and fostered collaborative projects with community partners.
This Neighborhood Leader’s superpower is action. They truly live their motto, “Actions speak louder than words.”
Country Village/Creekwood Neighborhood Playground 2022 Neighborhood Project of the Year
Country Village / Creekwood Neighborhood Association assembled $130,000 in funding from foundations, government, and private donors to build a new neighborhood playground. This replaced a 35-year-old structure hand-built by previous residents.
Mary Dollison, Neighborhood Powerhouse 2022 Neighborhood Leader of the Year
Mary Dollison’s impact in the Whitely neighborhood, and all of Muncie, spans nearly five decades. Mary is an inexhaustible powerhouse who continues to make connections, provide guidance, and give time to her community, into her 80’s. Mary Dollison stands as guiding light and role model for our neighborhood leaders in our community.
Halteman Park Project 2021 Neighborhood Project of the Year
The private Halteman Swim Club ceased to exist in 2017 and the property was donated to the City. Unfortunately, the site had over $15,000 in back taxes due resulting in the property selling at tax sale and becoming blighted. The Halteman Village Neighborhood Association, after extensive grassroots action: attending city meetings, petitions, etc. – worked with the City of Muncie to retain ownership and after much advocacy work, space planning, crowdfunding, and grant writing by HVNA, among others, the site became a public city park during the Fall of 2019 and held a ribbon-cutting for its new splash pad this past summer. This space now acts as a platform for community engagement - a centerpiece and a connector. Halteman Park will help build a stable community all the while providing health benefits to all generations of residents.
Ms. Pat Akins, Industry Neighborhood Treasurer 2021 Neighborhood Leader of the Year Award
Ms. Pat has been committed to her Neighborhood Association for many years. She has served in multiple capacities, including as Events Coordinator, Secretary, and as Treasurer. She is described by her friends and neighbors as faithful and consistent in her pursuit of the betterment of their neighborhood.
She is a driving force for their neighborhood association and always keeps everyone on track. She is open to collaborations, partnerships, and new ideas. And for the commitment and care that she has consistently shown over the years, we believe Ms. Pat Akins is well-deserving of recognition as a faithful leader in the Industry neighborhood.
South Central’s Embracing Chaos and Finding the Fun 2020 Neighborhood Project of the Year Award
This year’s Neighborhood Project of the Year Award was presented to the South Central Neighborhood, celebrating their efforts to remain physically distanced and socially connected. Residents treated neighbors to pizza parades, spread joy via possum yard signs, dropped Easter Eggs in kids’ front yards, held meetings outdoors, and provided funding for porch improvements to encourage folks to sit outside and engage with one another.
Aaron Neff, Anthony Northside Neighborhood Association Secretary 2020 Neighborhood Leader of the Year
Aaron Neff was voted Neighborhood Leader of the Year for his ongoing efforts to save the neighborhood’s historic entrance gates on Wheeling and for his advocacy and passion to preserve and enhance the Anthony-Northside Neighborhood.
Riverside-Normal City’s $2 Tour of the Village 2019 Neighborhood Project of the Year Award
Starting a new neighborhood initiative or event is daunting. There is no precedent to draw from and you feel like you’re just treading water as you pull together partners, plan logistics, and figure out fundraising. Throughout the process though, partnerships become key to overall success and drawing in the support and active involvement of neighborhood businesses is a true asset to any neighborhood initiative. In the spring of 2019, a dedicated group of resident leaders and local business owners began meeting regularly to plan an event that was meant to highlight the neighborhood, its unique characteristics and assets, and its commercial corridor. Six months later, University Avenue was closed to motorists for one beautiful, summer afternoon as hundreds of people descended on the Village to experience the food and culture of this historic neighborhood hub. The success of this event is not just the exposure it brought to the neighborhood, but in the newly formed Village Alliance that is actively working to improve quality of life and advocate for the area.
Stan Geidel, Country Village-Creekwood Neighborhood Association Secretary 2019 Neighborhood Leader of the Year
His leadership can be seen in the way they use their personal expertise to better the community. Over the last two years, their neighborhood began the process of revitalizing its community space, including plans to replace an aging playground, expand a small parking area and add a recreational trail. While the current board was able to envision these plans, finding ways to fund and initiate the project was daunting. This is where this resident leader stepped up to lead the project by utilizing their grant writing expertise and to prepare a timeline and funding plan. He also revived the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt, handed out hundreds of popsicles during the neighborhood Halloween festivities, and gave their time and used their personnel equipment to clean up the neighborhood basketball court and assist in the construction of a gaga pit for the children of the neighborhood.
According to neighbors, “Whether he is seeing an immediate need that he uniquely has the skill to address, or giving of his time on projects that don’t even directly affect him, Stan has jumped in with two feet to the betterment of his community.”
Minnetrista Neighborhood Association Urban Garden Project 2018 Neighborhood Project of the Year
According to pioneer of the organic farming and urban agriculture movements Michael Ableman, “There is a quiet revolution stirring in our food system. It is not happening so much on the distant farms that still provide us with the majority of our food; it is happening in cities, neighborhoods, and towns. It has evolved out of the basic need that every person has to know their food, and to have some sense of control over its safety and security.”
In the summer of 2018, over 1000 pounds of produce was grown and distributed to surrounding neighbors and businesses as well as to The Soup Kitchen of Muncie, Bridges Community Services and local churches and twelve-step programs. The community garden also boosted morale within the neighborhood and gave participants a sense of accomplishment.
Lezlie McCrory, South Central Neighborhood President 2018 Neighborhood Leader of the Year
She worked tirelessly over the last several years to build community and engage residents in neighborhood projects. In 2018 these efforts translated to the successful installation of several blocks of trees, flowers, and other greenery along the South Walnut St. corridor. This beautification effort truly was a massive undertaking involving partnerships with key stakeholders including the City of Muncie, utility companies, local businesses, and residents. When you drive down South Walnut today you see a vast improvement from a barren sea of grey to a cared for streetscape full of color and life. This Neighborhood Leader’s super power is persistence, truly working year after year to make South Central a place where neighbors want to live, dream and grow. When asked how they would describe this neighborhood leader, neighborhood association members and peers said, that they lead with enthusiasm, encouragement, and tenacity. And for those Parks & Rec fans, I also heard: “Leslie Knope wishes she was Lezlie McCrory!”
Whitely Community Food Pantry 2017 Neighborhood Project of the Year
According to Feeding America, food insecurity exists when people lack sustainable physical or economic access to enough safe, nutritious, and socially acceptable food for a healthy and productive life. This neighborhood association felt a strong need to actively address the issue of food insecurity through the mobilization of resources to create a Hunger Free Zone. In 2017, over 200 individuals were provided healthy, nutritional food through the establishment of a food pantry. The result of partnership building and active fundraising efforts, the Whitely Community Food Pantry has added value to the lives of Whitely’s most vulnerable residents.
Clifford Clemons, Blaine-Southeast Neighborhood Association President 2017 Neighborhood Leader of the Year
He experienced setbacks early on in the development of the neighborhood association due to low attendance and lack of interest, and yet he persisted. Over the last few years he built a strong, dedicated association committed to improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. In 2017 these efforts translated to the successful installation of a walking track at the park that the neighborhood owns and maintains, as well as several community-building events, including neighborhood cleanups, holiday parties, and an annual back-to-school event in which neighborhood children receive free school supplies. This Neighborhood Leader’s superpower is bringing people together, a testament to their neighborhood’s tagline, “It’s the Unity of the Community that gets the work done.”

Neighborhood Clean-ups:
Most Trash Collected in 2023: