Dinner at the Whitehouse – October 29, 2016


When: Saturday, October 29 at 6:30pm
Where: Forest Park Elementary School – 2517 W. 8th Street
Reservations: Call 298-0844
Cost: $30/person

Gourmet historic dinner prepared by American Federation of Chefs
Fabulous speaker, Dr. Phyllis Zimmerman presents “Behind the Scenes: Living in the White House”

100% of proceeds go to operating the Senior Center

See the menu (pdf)


Forest Park Senior Center Wellness Day – September 19, 2016

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Muncie Delaware Senior Center proudly presents Wellness Day, 2016!

When: MONDAY September 19 from 9:00am – 12:00 noon
Where: Forest Park Senior Center – 2517 W.8th Street – 2 blocks west of Batavia

Get your blood pressure checked, your hearing tested, pick up the latest health information and get your FALL FLU SHOT.

Walgreens will handle the paperwork for Medicare and your insurance to ensure there is no cost.  Talk with medical experts about your vision and hearing, aging and exercise, aging and nutrition. Find out about the newest cancer treatments and how you can help those undergoing treatment by providing transportation.

Download the flier (pdf)

Forest Park Senior Center Fish & Chicken Fry – September 23, 2016

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Muncie Delaware Senior Center extends an invitation to our Fish & Chicken Fry Dinner!

When: FRIDAY, September 23 from 4:30-6:30pm; doors open at 4:15pm
Where: 2517 W. 8th Street—former Forest Park Elementary School—stretching two blocks
Cost: $9.00/persons 13 and older; $4.50/persons 5-12; children under 5 eat free!

For only $9.00 a person, you can have your choice of fish or chicken, hush puppies, green beans, bread and butter, dessert, and drink. A great deal for a great meal.

Enjoy a tasty dinner, live music, and help raise money for the Senior Center!

Music provided by Jeanette Maxfield on the organ.  All proceeds go directly to the Senior Center which is partially supported by Community Development.

Download the flier (pdf)

For more information call 289-0844 | Where Seniors gather to meet new friends and learn

Programs for September 2016 at the Forest Park Senior Center

The Forest Park Senior Center invites you to attend their upcoming September events!

The theme for movies in September is “Strong Women”.  Each movie will shine a spotlight on ordinary women who have their inner strength tested, often frequently, and how they cope.

Tuesday, September 6th @12:30 – MOVIE – “Places in the Heart” starring Sally Field, Danny Glover, John Malkovich

Friday, September 9th @12:30 – MOVIE- “The Mirror Has Two Faces” starring Barbra Streisand, Lauren Bacall and Jeff Bridges

Saturday, September 10th 8a-3pm – Second Saturday Flea Market in the GYM. Bargains galore!

Monday September 12th -12n – Monica Winkler from Meeks returns to celebrate September birthdays and anniversaries and any other special occasions

Friday, September 16th and Saturday 17th – Dialogue Church will host a rummage sale in the gym with lots of bargains and treasures

Tuesday, September 20th – MOVIE- “A Home of Our Own” starring Kathy Bates

Thursday, September 22nd – Round Dance lessons and classes start again – check out the fliers on the gym door

Thursday, September 22nd – MOVIE – “Calendar Girls” – starring Helen Mirren, Julie Walters

Friday, September 23rd 4:30-6:30pm – SENIOR CENTER FISH FRY – What a meal and what a deal!  Help raise funds for the center.

Tuesday, September 27th – MOVIE-“Corrina Corrina” starring Whoopi Goldberg and Ray Liotta


Download the calendar (pdf)