IUH / BMH Effort to Reduce Infant Mortality in our Community

For East Central Indiana moms and moms-to-be, enroll with WeCare Indiana to receive timely messages about healthy living, having a healthy pregnancy, and caring for your baby during the first year of life. You can choose to receive your messages through text message, email, or a smartphone app.

Messages will include information on:

  • Preparing to be a mom
  • Breastfeeding
  • Delivery and Labor
  • Baby’s Health and Immunizations
  • Baby Development
  • Safe Sleep for Baby
  • Car Seat Safety
  • Baby and Mom Nutrition

WeCare will also send you information on local resources to help you along the way, such as:

  • Breastfeeding assistance and support groups
  • Nutritional supplement programs (WIC, etc.)
  • Free and low-cost childbirth classes
  • Free and low-cost parenting classes
  • Free and low-cost baby supplies

For information on how you may enroll in this service, please visit the website: http://wecareindiana.com/

You may also find them on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wecareindiana

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