On May 6th the Muncie Action Plan (MAP) board conducted a bus tour that celebrates several good things happening in our community that align with MAP Actions. MAP’s Co-Chairs shared over 20 success stories along the route while riding on MITS buses for the approximately 90-minute tour.
World Changers Looking to Repair Homes in Several Neighborhoods
According to an article posted in the Sunday, May 3rd edition of the Star Press, World Changers will be returning to Muncie this summer to do exterior repairs on a total of approximately 20 properties within the Blaine, McKinley, Gilbert, East Central and Whitely neighborhoods. World Changers’ work may include foundation or porch repair, vinyl siding, door or garage repair, house painting, wheelchair ramp/accessibility items and other miscellaneous repairs. In order to qualify for the program, homes must be home-owner occupied, be located in the target neighborhoods, be current on sewage and tax bills, and have property insurance. Owners must submit an application and provide proof of income. A PDF version of the application is available below. It is also available at the City of Muncie’s Community Development Department office,online, or at the Kennedy and Maring-Hunt libraries. Applications are due by 4 p.m. May 22 at the Community Development Office.
For more information call Community Development at (765)747-4825.
World Changers 2015 – application
Western Woods Neighborhood Successfully Lobbies for 4-Way Stop
After a resident petition and several public meetings, a representative from the Muncie Street Department delivered the final proposal for the Clarksdale & McKenzie intersection at Western Woods’ April 22nd meeting. There will be a 4 way stop (2 on Riverside, 1 at Clarksdale and 1 at McKenzie), 2 – 30ft ADA compliant sidewalks on each side of Riverside leading up to the crossing and pedestrian activated crossing lights that are the same as found on University Ave. in the Village. Duke Campbell, Street Department Superintendent will present the plan to the Board of Works at their May 6th meeting. He will then speak with the owners where the sidewalks will be placed and proceed with construction as soon as possible. The next step will be installing the lights. Additionally, Riverside and West View Boulevard will be repaved this summer.
The completion date is projected to be before the end of May as the Catalina Swim Club will be opening and Muncie Public Schools will be ending soon after. Concerns were expressed at the public meetings about possible traffic back-ups during peak times in the morning and evening and possible issues for pedestrians experiencing a false sense of security from the crossing lights. These issues will require educating pedestrians, bicyclists, runners, and the driving public.
The President of the Western Woods Neighborhood Association, Sylvia McVey would like to express her appreciation to everyone that attended the meetings to voice their opinions and help find a solution.
Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Playground in Progress
(Current Photos of the future park site)
GO FUND ME – The Blaine/Southeast neighborhood association has set up an online fundraiser to help raise the remaining $16,000 needed to build the playground. The neighborhood’s motto “The Unity of the community gets the job done,” is very true. Please donate and/or share with others!
November 2014 – The Blaine/Southeast neighborhood association was awarded a $15,000 KaBoom playground grant. Residents have formed a playground committee and are currently working to redevelop the old Blaine field adjacent to the Serenity Club, 1215 S. Brotherton, into a new neighborhood playground.
February 2015 – February-2015-Press-Release
March 2015 – The KaBoom grant requires that the playground equipment be purchased from one of four pre-selected vendors. The Playground Committee worked with Matt Bailey, former Superintendent of Muncie’s Park’s Department under the McShurley Administration, to select the vendor and the design of the playground. Located in Parker City, IN, Landscape Structures was chosen as the playground equipment vendor based on the quality of their equipment, their commitment to working closely with the neighborhood association during Build Day, and their willingness to help the association maintain the equipment due to their close proximity to Muncie and their strong relationship with the City’s Park’s Department. The Committee also worked with a BSU graduate Landscape Architecture student to place the playground on the field in the most appropriate location.
April 11, 2015 – A successful clean-up of the field took place from 10:00-12:00. Over 20 volunteers helped clear the field of brush and vegetation in preparation for the fall playground build day. Thank you to all who attended!
May 03, 2015 – The cleanup of the field continued on the same day as the whole neighborhood cleanup. Volunteers were able to make great progress on removing shrubbery and small trees from the fence line. Another field cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, May 30th.
PHOTOS: May 02, 2015 – Neighborhood Clean-ups
Members of the East Central, Forest Park, Blaine, Southeast, South Central, Industry, and Pettigrew Acres Neighborhood Associations partnered with the Muncie Sanitary District to help clean-up their communities. The first date of the spring clean-ups was May 2nd. Volunteers helped pick up trash and debris alongside their neighbors. Thank you to all those who helped beautify the city as part of the spring neighborhood cleanups.