Abandoned Housing Policy Analysis

An excess of abandoned housing currently exists within the City of Muncie. The presence of this abandoned housing creates a number of problems for nearby residents and also for the city as a whole. Policies, intended to reduce the quantity of abandoned housing in the city, have not had as a large an impact as had been hoped. This project team gathered evidence first about the problem and its impacts in the community and then developed a limited number of policy alternatives, estimated their likely impacts, and made policy recommendations for consideration by the community partner.

View the report (pdf)

Faculty Mentor: Chip Taylor
Department: Political Science
Community Partner: Muncie Redevelopment Commission
Students: Carly Acree-King, Joshua Arter, Allison Badgero, Derick Brady, Travis Casper, Julia Chanen, Amy Combs, Aaron Davis, Jessica Fields, Nathanial Law, David Nickel, Jessica Nickel, Alex Rodriguez, Greta Slater, Aaron Tellez, Gage VanDine, Jes Wade

Spring 2017 Ball State Immersive Learning Projects

Ball State faculty, students, and community partners are working together this spring on a number of immersive learning projects in and around Muncie.

Abandoned Housing Policy Analysis
Community Partner:  Muncie Redevelopment Commission
Faculty Mentor: Chip Taylor, Department of Political Science

Advancing ecoREHAB Through Story and Strategy
Community Partner:  ecoREHAB of Muncie, Inc.
Faculty Mentors:  Kate Elliott, Department of Journalism; Paul Gestwicki; Department of Computer Science

Assessing Heat Leaks in the 8twelve Target District
Community Partner:  Muncie 8twelve Coalition
Faculty Mentor:  Jason Yang, Department of Geography

Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders:  Character and Leadership Development at the Boys & Girls Club of Muncie
Community Partner:  The Boys & Girls Club of Muncie
Faculty Mentor:  Peggy Fisher, Department of Communication Studies

Maring-Hunt Community Garden Pavilion
Community Partner:  Maring-Hunt Library, Thomas Park/Avondale Neighborhood Association
Faculty Mentor:  Pam Harwood, Department of Architecture

Minnetrista Neighborhood Action Plan
Community Partner:  Minnetrista Neighborhood Association
Faculty Mentor:  Lisa Dunaway, Department of Urban Planning

Rehabilitating Houses
Community Partner: Greater Muncie Habitat for Humanity
Faculty Mentor: Janet Fick, Technology

Story Maps
from and for “South-of-the-River” Neighborhoods in Muncie
Community Partners:  Forest Park Neighborhood Association; Thomas/Avondale Neighborhood Association
Faculty Mentor:  Jörn Seemann, Department of Geography

Sustainable Food Production: Integrating Collaboration within the Community
Community Partner:  Muncie Food Hub
Faculty Mentor:  Gerry Waite, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies

2017 IDEA Conference Resources

2017 IDEA Conference Resources

Take a look at some of the great presentations and materials from the 2017 IDEA Conference:



Urban Garden Committee

Urban Garden Committee Meetings:

  • Future meetings TBA

Local Farmer’s Markets:

Flavor Fresh Mobile Market Tree Hill Farms
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
(Locations, start times, & options vary)
Landess Farm Market Daleville
Sunday-Friday | 10am-6pm
Minnetrista Farmers Market
Saturdays | 8am-212pm
(WIC/SFMN_ & IU Health Bucks)
Muncie Makers Market
Saturdays | 4pm-7pm
Northern Tropics Greenhouse
Monday-Saturday | 12pm-6pm
Open Door Farmers Market
Tuesday-Thursdays | 11am-2pm
(Open July 18th | WIC/SFMNP)
Yorktown Farmers Market
Wednesdays | 4:30pm-7pm

Click here to visit a map of local urban garden resources

Shafer Leadership – Community Needs Assessment

Shafer Leadership Academy partnered with this immersive learning project to enumerate the current leadership needs and capacity of the Muncie community. Through gathered need and capacity data, students conducted secondary source research and surveys. The data gathered will help the Shafer Leadership Academy to design appropriate programming and seek relevant funding. In addition to developing research skills, the project team connected with and increased empathy for the Muncie Community and learned about the value of community leadership.

Faculty Mentor: Melinda Messineo
Department: Sociology
Community Partner: Shafer Leadership Academy
Students: Drew Apanavicius, Emmalie Hodge, Audrey Meade, Casey Misner, Zoe Sutton