Anthony-Northside Neighborhood


The Anthony-Northside Neighborhood includes the Layne Crest subdivision, which was created in 1960 by contractor Bob Layne as a single-family residential addition. It is a quiet neighborhood and one of the few neighborhoods surrounding the Ball State University campus that is almost completely owner-occupied.

The approximately 10.55 acres along McGalliard Road (referred to as the “Bradburn property”) has been in constant turmoil since the late 1960’s when Bob Layne sought to vacate the plat for commercial development. This action led to a long legal battle that ultimately landed in the Indiana Court of Appeals in 1973 and with a permanent injunction granted against any commercial use of the land of Layne Crest. Numerous attempts since then were made to rezone the property. Each time, the property owners sought to maintain the character of their neighborhood and protect the integrity of the properties.

In March 2012 the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance request for the Bradburn property and a 216-unit development was eventually built on the site. Located along McGalliard road with access off of Oakwood Dr., the Grove Apartments are marketed towards off-campus college students attending Ball State University.

Anthony-Northside Gateway Project

Neighborhood Association Meetings

Anthony header graphic

The Anthony-Northside Neighborhood Association meets at Rising Hope Community Center at 1500 W. Cowing Dr., on the 3rd Thursday of odd months at 6:30 pm. All are welcome.

On the Web

Webpage –

Email – or

Action Plan –

Neighborhood Map

Anthony-Northside map (pdf)

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.
Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

McKinley Neighborhood

McKinley header

Neighborhood Association Meetings

The McKinley Neighborhood Association meets on the 4th Thursday of every month, 6:00 pm at Muncie Central High School, 801 N Walnut. All are welcome.

Neighborhood Newsletters

November 2014 Newsletter

On the Web

Neighborhood Action Plan:

Neighborhood Map

McKinley map (pdf)

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Industry Neighborhood

Industry header

Neighborhood Association Meetings

The Industry Neighborhood Association meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6:00 pm at Price Hall, 704 S. Madison St. All are welcome.

Neighborhood Action Plan

Residents of Industry worked with Ball State University Urban Planning students in the Spring of 2015 to develop a Neighborhood Action Plan. This plan will help the neighborhood focus its revitalization efforts on the opportunities identified within the iNAP. In addition to the website, a Neighborhood Association Handbook was also created as a guide for strengthening community and creating neighborhood change.

On the Web

Facebook –


Industry map (pdf)
Industry Neighborhood Action Plan (pdf)

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Downtown Neighborhood

Downtown photo by Chris Flook

Downtown Muncie’s resident population nears 1000. The April 15th, 2015 edition of the Muncie Star Press included an article highlighting this neighborhood. Please click here see the full article.

View the 2011 MAP Heart of the City Action Plan

There is currently no active association for this neighborhood. If you are interested in helping to form a group please contact Heather Williams at

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.
Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.

Gilbert Neighborhood

Gilbert header

Neighborhood Association Meetings

The Gilbert Neighborhood Association meets at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of every month at Inside Out, 300 N. Madison Street.  All are welcome to attend!

On the Web

Facebook –

Neighborhood Map

Gilbert map (pdf)

Find out what others think; rate and review this neighborhood on StreetAdvisor.

Join the private social network for your neighborhood at Nextdoor.