Summer & Fall 2018 Ball State Immersive Learning Projects

Ball State faculty, students, and community partners worked together this summer and fall on a number of immersive learning projects in and around Muncie.

Book Arts Collaborative 2018-19
Faculty Mentor:  Rai Peterson, Department of English
Community Partner:  Tribune Community Showprint Posters

Bringing in and Branching out: Recruiting Employees and Building Community Connections
Faculty Mentor:  Peggy Fisher, Department of Communication Studies
Community Partner:  Open Door Health Services

The Brownfields to Brightfields Project Phase II:  Analysis of Solar Potentials for Brownfields in East Central Indiana (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Sanglim Yoo, Department of Urban Planning
Community Partner:  Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter

Computer Science for Middle Schoolers (CS4MS ongoing) 
Faculty Mentor:  Dave Largent, Department of Computer Science
Community Partners:  Northside Middle School, Daleville Junior/Senior High School and Burris Laboratory School

Finding Voices: Mentorship in Forensics and Argumentation
Faculty Mentor:  Dallis Pike, Department of Communication Studies
Community Partner:  Muncie Central High School

Faculty Mentor:  Darolyn Jones, Department of English
Community Partner:  Muncie residents

Let’s Build (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Jennifer Warrner, Department of Construction Management & Interior Design
Community Partner:  Longfellow Elementary School

Muncie Action Plan 3 (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor: Lisa Dunaway, Department of Urban Planning
Community Partner: Muncie Action Plan

Maplewood Mansion Learning Lab (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor: Carla Earhart, Department of Management
Community Partner: Maplewood Mansion Learning Lab, Ball Brothers Foundation, IU School of Medicine-Muncie

Muncie Arts and Culture Council Video Project 
Faculty Mentors:  Suzanne Plesha, Office of Immersive Learning; Tim Pollard, Department of Telecommunications
Community Partner:  Muncie Arts and Culture Council

Old West End Action Plan
Faculty Mentor: Lisa Dunaway, Department of Urban Planning
Community Partners: Old West End Neighborhood Association, Friends Memorial Church

Preliminary Study of Lead (Pb) in Muncie (PSLM) (ongoing)
Faculty Mentors:  Carolyn Dowling, Department of Geological Sciences and Jessi Haeft, Department of Natural Resources Environmental Management
Community Partners:  United Way of Delaware County, Muncie Action Plan

Purple Cow: Moving from Ordinary to Extraordinary Care for Children (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Stacey Allred, Department of Elementary Education
Community Partner:  Kidz Korner Child Care Center

Reading the Wor(l)d Critical Literacy and Culturally Responsive Classroom Libraries
Faculty Mentors:  Kristin Cipolione and Susan Tancock, Department of Elementary Education
Community Partners:  Whitely Community Council, Longfellow Elementary School

Rehabilitating Houses (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor: Janet Fick, Department of Construction Management and Interior Design
Community Partner: Greater Muncie Habitat for Humanity

Scenery in Space
Faculty Mentors:  Mickie Marie & Kerry Chipman, Department of Theatre and Dance
Community Partner:  Muncie Civic Theatre

School Safety, Data-Driven Evidence-Based Findings, and Recommendations
Faculty Mentor:  Bryan Byers, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Community Partners:  Muncie Community Schools, Burris Laboratory School

Serious Game Design with Minnetrista
Faculty Mentor:  Paul Gestwicki, Department of Computer Science
Community Partner:  Minnetrista Cultural Center

Purple Cow: Moving from Ordinary to Extraordinary Care for Children

BSU student helping a child at Kidz Korner

This immersive project involved a partnership with Kidz Korner Child Care Center in downtown Muncie. The project team organized and implemented family nights that involved other community agencies. Additionally, the student team promoted and fostered collaborative partnerships between the center and these local agencies. The ultimate goal of this project was to establish and maintain community connections while strengthening parent and family relationships between the school and daycare center and homes.

Spring 2019

Faculty Mentor: Stacey Allred
Department: Elementary Education
Community Partner: Kidz Korner Child Care Center
Students: Sidney Barkdull, Alexeya Barr, Addison Berry, Lindsey Brashear, Bailey Crist, Audrey Doerner, Audrey French, Ashley Gable, Marina Garcia, Haidan Gates, Kaitlyn Johnston, Zoie Mann, Kayle McKnight, Demitra Novinger, Jocelyn Peckham, Hannah Petrie, Kiersten Rodman, Lauren Roth, Sara Runyon, Kendra Shadle, Elizabeth Smith, Jenna Sovine, Rachel Sweeney, Kimberly Swisher, Leigha Underwood

For the Fall 2018 semester, the project team organized and implemented three family nights that involved several community agencies (Ball State University Student Theater and Dance Organization, Hillcroft Services “Music Together”, Muncie Symphony Orchestra “Together in Music”, and Muncie BY5). The team promoted and fostered collaborative partnerships between the center and these local agencies. The ultimate goal of this project was to establish and maintain community connections while strengthening parent and family relationships between the school and daycare center and homes.

Fall 2018

Faculty Mentor: Stacey Allred
Department: Elementary Education
Community Partner: Kidz Korner Child Care Center
Students: Sarah Brandt, Kaitlyn Butler, Kelsey Collins, Claudia Daugherty, Cassie Deakyne, Dakota Dempler, Alexandria Forte, Caroline Friedly, Victoria Goodrich, Grace Pieczynski, Payton Rawlings, Abbie Rooker, Sofia Shine, Melissa Wetter, Hannah Wezensky, Jordan Witmer, Seraphim Muir

In the Fall of 2017 and the Spring of 2018, the project teams created and administered a parent/family needs survey. They also designed and printed a logo for the center. The team promoted and fostered collaborative partnerships between the center and local agencies. They also developed and implemented a professional development session for the staff at Kidz Korner Child Care Center. The ultimate goal of this project was to establish and maintain community connections while strengthening parent/family relationships between the school/daycare center and homes.

Spring 2018

Faculty Mentor: Stacey Allred
Department: Elementary Education
Community Partner: Kidz Korner Child Care Center
Students: Madison Beerbower, Erin Coogan, Cheyenne Fisher, Emily Fontaine, Ania Gonzalez, Kennedy Green, Carly Kirk, Kailyn Lambertson, Tiler Langston, MaKenzie Manship, Mycaela Messer, Rebecca Robbins, Haley Shotts, Chelsie Taylor, Michelle Taylor, Jolie Wariner, Kendra Tessman

Fall 2017

Faculty Mentor: Stacey Allred
Department: Elementary Education
Community Partner: Kidz Korner Child Care Center
Students: Margaret Buettner, Krysta Henson, Sierra Hobbs, Hilda Nieves, Alaina Page, Elaine Shull, Alissa Switzer, Lindsey Turner, Victoria Wheatley, Lilly Wright-Cayetano

Sustainable Food Production: Integrating Collaboration within the Community

This project’s goal was to promote collaboration with local organizations, including Ball State University and the local community. To achieve this, the students created an ongoing directory of contact information to bring all organizations and participating individuals together. Making information clear and accessible will help foster more effective communication. Moving forward the goal is to facilitate the integration of food resources for the local community for many years to come.

Faculty Mentor: Gerald Waite
Department: Center for Peace and Conflict Studies
Community Partner: Muncie Food Hub
Students: Tony Brandon, Liz Digennaro, Jessi Lynn, Megan Stenftenagel, Amy Whitehead

TEAM 2 – Reading Intervention at the Youth Opportunity Center

The TEAM 2 project implemented a reading intervention program with at-risk youth at the Youth Opportunity Center (YOC), a residential treatment facility in Muncie. Students in this project studied psychological, environmental and cultural factors that contribute to reading difficulties, and developed skills in applying proven reading strategies. This project is tied to an education-focused research study related to youth in the juvenile court system at YOC. Working collaboratively with the YOC, students spent the semester making a real difference in the lives of young people. Through funding by the National Institute of Justice, this project started in summer 2016 and will continue until spring 2018.

Spring 2018

Faculty Mentors: Ruth Jefferson & Janay Sander
Departments: Special Education & Educational Psychology
Community Partner: Youth Opportunity Center
Students: Rayven Brackeen, Simone Courtright, Sarah Hapner, Natalie Kitchin

Summer & Fall 2017

Faculty Mentors: Ruth Jefferson & Janay Sander
Departments: Special Education & Educational Psychology
Community Partner: Youth Opportunity Center
Students: Vicki Baur, Megan Chalfant, Morgan Clark, Estrella Gonzalez, Krista Kranz, Mac Mckinney, Tonia Morales-Zelaya, Mike Moses, Devyn Phillips, Abby Reiff, Lindsay Rye, Amanda Wadman, Taylor White, Shelby Zann

VIDEO: 2018 Muncie Neighborhood’s Pool Party

Muncie Neighborhood’s 2nd Annual Pool Party at Tuhey Pool was a blast!  Families and neighbors from all over the community came together for a free night of fun celebrating Muncie’s neighborhoods with popsicles, hot dogs, BINGO, yard games, swimming, and friends!

Spring 2018 Ball State Immersive Learning Projects

Ball State faculty, students, and community partners worked together this spring on a number of immersive learning projects in and around Muncie.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware County
Community Partner:  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware County
Faculty Mentor:  Suzanne Plesha, Office of Immersive Learning; Tim Pollard, Department of Telecommunications

Creating Community Through Drama: Outreach at Muncie Civic Theatre (ongoing)
Community Partner: Muncie Civic Theatre
Faculty Mentor: Peggy Fisher, Department of Communication Studies

Dance! Muncie After School
Community Partner: Muncie Community Schools
Faculty Mentor: Melanie Swihart, Department of Theatre and Dance

Digging in to Muncie’s Local Food System (ongoing)
Community Partner:  Farmished, Second Harvest East Central Indiana
Faculty Mentor:  Kate Elliott, Department of Journalism

Fundraising for Non-profit Organizations (ongoing)
Community Partners:  Adventist Frontier Mission, Aria’s Army, Audubon Society, Cradle of Love, GR3 International, Delaware County Futbol Club, National Association of Mental Illness, Operation Blackout
Faculty Mentor:  René Church, School of Art

Maring-Hunt Community Garden Market Pavilion and Outdoor Kitchen (ongoing)
Community Partners: Maring-Hunt Public Library, Thomas Park/Avondale Neighborhood Association
Faculty Mentor: Pam Harwood, Department of Architecture

Mathematics in Cultural Contexts 2018: Emergent Professionals Today and Responsible Educators Tomorrow
Community Partner: East Washington Acadmey
Faculty Mentor: Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Department of Educational Studies; Sheryl Stump, Department of Mathematical Sciences; Lynette Varner, Department of Elementary Education

Muncie Action Plan 3
Community Partner: Muncie Action Plan
Faculty Mentor: Lisa Dunaway, Department of Urban Planning

Nutrition Grows on You! A nutrition Demonstration Project for 4th Grade Students in Muncie Public Schools
Community Partner: Muncie Community Schools
Faculty Mentor: Carol Friesen, Department of Nutrition and Health Science

Philosophy for High School Students
Community Partner: Muncie Central High School
Faculty Mentor: Sarah Vitale, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Professional Practice for the Visual Artist
Community Partner: Muncie Arts and Culture Council
Faculty Mentor: Brent Cole & Maura Jasper, School of Art

Purple Cow: Moving from Ordinary to Extraordinary Care for Children (ongoing)
Community Partner: Kidz Korner Child Care Center
Faculty Mentor: Stacey Allred, Department of Elementary Education

Reber Woods
Community Partner: Red Tail Land Conservancy
Faculty Mentor: Kevin Kenyon, Sustainability Minor Program

Rehabilitating Houses (ongoing)
Community Partner: Greater Muncie Habitat for Humanity
Faculty Mentor: Janet Fick, Department of Construction Management and Interior Design

Reimagining Muncie’s Foodshed
Community Partners: Muncie Food Hub Partnership, Edible Muncie, Urban Garden Coalition, Ball State Student Farm
Faculty Mentor: Josh Gruver, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management

Second Harvest Survey 2018
Community Partner: Second Harvest Food Bank
Faculty Mentor: Melinda Messineo, Department of Sociology

Solar Start Project
Community Partner: Islamic Center of Muncie
Faculty Mentor: Sherif Attallah, Department of Construction Management and Interior Design

Team 2 – Reading Intervention at the Youth Opportunity Center (ongoing)
Community Partner: Youth Opportunity Center
Faculty Mentors: Ruth Jefferson & Maria Sciuchetti, Department of Special Education; Janay Sander, Department of Educational Psychology