Reading the Wor(l)d Critical Literacy and Culturally Responsive Classroom Libraries

Research affirms the power of culturally relevant literature and practice (Clark 2017), yet, the International Literacy Association (2018) reports that equity in literacy, diversity, and access to diverse content are the most pressing issues in K-12 schools, acknowledging that teachers are unprepared to address these challenges. This project addressed this preparation gap. Pre-service teacher candidates worked with classroom teachers, students, and community members to design classroom libraries containing a robust collection of culturally relevant texts.

Faculty Mentors: Kristin Cipollone, Susan Tancock
Departments: Elementary Education
Community Partners: Whitely Community Council, Longfellow Elementary School
Students: Keaton Bailey, Miranda Berry, Sarah Black, Sydney Chaney, Kayla DeRemer, Alyssa Flanagan, Olivia Ford, Jordan Fuerstenau, Ashlin Hair, Kaylie Johnston, Hannah Lockington, Hailey Maupin, Sarah Meyer, Alison Schwartz, Bre’Anna Serf, Makenzie Smith, Michaela Strahm, Kortney Thalls

Muncie Arts and Culture Council Video Project

Local art projects are a way for communities to create dialogue, share cultural experiences, solve problems and build relationships that enhance quality of place and local economic development efforts. Part of the Muncie Art and Culture Council’s (MACC) mission is to serve as an arts alliance that builds community among artists and arts organizations, and is a resource for professional growth and opportunity among Muncie artists. In this project, student teams created video to help MACC document Plyspace, its artist-in-residence program and promote other local art projects.

Faculty Mentors: Suzanne Plesha, Tim Pollard
Departments: Immersive Learning, Telecommunications
Community Partners: Muncie Arts and Culture Council
Students: Oscar Arriaga, Jacob Barajas, Matt Carson, Jason Franchville, Connor Hillestad, Grant Mountcastle, Benjamin Ritter, Melody Smith, Parker Stewart, Mason Whitis


This project was an immersive, service learning opportunity where students met with residents of the community to teach creative writing techniques and to collaboratively write a text. Objectives of the project included the enrichment of the creative writing students through engagement in the local community, scholarly study of memoir through relevant essays about creative nonfiction writing pedagogy and community engagement, and through the use of critical and creative examinations of the student’s own work and end project was a publish anthology of the writing generated by the students and residents along with several public community readings around Muncie. In the anthology, Muncie area residents shared their experiences, their memories, and their love of what makes Muncie unique.

Faculty Mentors: Darolyn Jones
Departments: English
Community Partners: Muncie residents
Students: Claire Bauserman, Audrey Bowers, Charlie Cain, Alyssa Clemento, Pam Fancher, Katharyn Fletcher, Vanessa Haro-Miracle, Nikki Kendall, Janie Obrochta, Eileen Porzuczeck, Kayln Reyer, Aidan Sacks, Matthew Swain

Finding Voices: Mentorship in Forensics and Argumentation

Ball State Students partnered with a teacher and group of students from Muncie Central High School (MCHS) and assisted with creating a debate team. The intent was to create a high-performing
Debate Team squad for MCHS, which would participate in the Indiana High School Forensics Association–and also to assist the project team to become familiar with the skills of basic and advanced argumentation, communication mentorship, and independent research in public policy and general problem solving of political and/or social issues.

Faculty Mentors: Dallis Pike
Departments: Communication Studies
Community Partners: Muncie Central High School
Students: Derek French, Carter Gallagher, Ryan Hugo, Megan Markarian, Jasper Schroeder

Bringing in and Branching Out: Recruiting Employees and Building Community Connections

According to data from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development in 2016, the poverty rate in Delaware County was 21.6%, and poverty among children under the age of 18 was 25.7% ( These alarming statistics speak to the need for Open Door Health Services (ODHS) and the services it provides our community. In this two semester project, the immersive learning team will help ODHS draw and retain qualified service providers by updating their website, producing new recruitment videos and materials, and updating the onboarding process for both medical and non-medical employees. The team will also assist ODHS in determining current marketing needs through interviews and focus groups, assessing and improving the new patient orientation process, and upgrading its social media presence.

Spring 2019

Faculty Mentors: Peggy Fisher
Departments: Communication Studies
Community Partners: Open Door Health Services
Students: Abigail Bensman, Haley Collison, Marisa Conaster, Ryan Cosey, Olivia DeSalvo, Margo Morton, Gaylan Owens, Taylor Ross, Erica Smith, Ashley Taylor

Fall 2018

Faculty Mentors: Peggy Fisher
Departments: Communication Studies
Community Partners: Open Door Health Services
Students: Abigail Bensman, Haley Collison, Marisa Conaster, Olivia DeSalvo, Margo Morton, Gaylan Owens, Taylor Ross, Erica Smith, Ashley Taylor

Book Arts Collaborative 2018-19

Book Arts Collaborative is a community letterpress and book bindery located in the Madjax Building in downtown Muncie. Each semester, we preserve and teach apprentice-taught skills and run a small business. Students are taught analog design skills, business skills, and professionalization of all majors.

Faculty Mentors: Rai Peterson
Departments: English
Community Partners: Tribune Showprint Posters, Inc.
Students: Jodi Aleshire, Danielle Borst, Jessica Bowles, Lane Cary, Erin Davenport, Marie Drascic, Sarah Fox, Rachel Haywood, Morgan Kaufman, Carolyn Kelley, Whitney Kendall, Rayah O’Rear, Katie Obryan, Carrie Pawlovich, Bonnie Prindle, Aaron Stephens, Simeon Stults, Taylor Townsend, Kelli Turkupolis