Fall 2019 Ball State Immersive Learning Projects

Ball State faculty, students, and community partners worked together this Fall on a number of immersive learning projects in and around Muncie.

Beneficence Records (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Daniel Porter, School of Music
Community Partner:  Indiana Public Radio

Campus Sexual Assault and Rape Culture in the Age of #MeToo 
Faculty Fellow:  Jill Christman, Department of English
Community Partner:  Jana’s Campaign and The Facing Project

Computer Science for Middle Schoolers (CS4MS) (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Dave Largent, Department of Computer Science
Community Partners:  Burris Laboratory School, Muncie Central High School, Northside Middle School

i-Made (Indiana Made) Muncie:  Custom Fabricated Design-through-Production (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Kevin Klinger, Department of Architecture
Community Partners:  Indiana Hardwoods (IHLA), Midwest Metals, Minnetrista, Mobile Market

The Junior Producers Club
Faculty Mentor:  Christoph Thompson, School of Music
Community Partners:  Boys and Girls Club, Buley Community Center

Makerspaces as an Opportunity to Cultivate and Reinforce Cultural Identity in Post-Industrial Cities 
Faculty Fellow:  Laura Romano, Department of English
Community Partner:  Muncie Arts and Culture Council

Muncie Micro-Cinema
Faculty Mentor:  Maura Jasper, School of Art
Community Partner:  Muncie Arts and Culture Council

Muncie Neighborhood Visual Identity Design (ongoing)
Faculty Mentor:  Shantanu Suman, School of Art
Community Partners:  Building Better Neighborhoods, Muncie Action Plan

Preserving the Past and Looking Toward the Future:  Historic Preservation and Digital Storytelling for a Muncie Landmark Church
Faculty Mentor:  Peggy Fisher, Department of Communication Studies
Community Partner:  St. Mary Church

Reconstructed Early Language and Literacy Learning: Addressing school readiness through critically conscious listening centers
Faculty Mentors:  Emily Hoffman, Department of Early Childhood, Youth and Family Studies; Kristin Cipollone, Department of Elementary Education
Community Partner:  Huffer Memorial Children’s Center

Resiliency Plan for Muncie
Faculty Mentor: Michael Burayidi, Department of Urban Planning
Community Partner: City of Muncie

Sitting at the Feet of our Muncie Elders:  Stories of Resistance and Resiliency
Faculty Mentor: Darolyn “Lyn” Jones
Community Partner: Westminster Village, Muncie Delaware County Senior Center, Moth Danner and YART (Yard Sale for Art).

Office of Community Engagement’s 18-19 Annual Report

Office of Community Engagement Report Cover

OCE Annual Report 18-19 linked imageCurious about what the Ball State Office of Community Engagement was up to last year? HINT: they were busy! They’ve shared their 2018-2019 Annual Report on ISSU. Check it out!

Our 2018-2019 activities have largely focused in four areas:

  1. Deepening Ball State’s involvement in city, county, and regional initiatives;
  2. Strengthening the culture of community engagement across the university;
  3. Connecting to networks of community-engaged institutions across the nation; and
  4. Celebrating campus and community successes.

A PDF version is available for download at on Box.

Cultural Identities and Community Engagement

In this project, students explored the intersectionality of cultural identities, history and impact of structural racism, positionality of race, and strategies for promoting inclusion and civic engagement through family and history research, presentations, oral storytelling, and the development of traveling exhibits. Students worked along with community members to develop and administer Talking Race Human Library in Muncie, Fort Wayne, South Bend, and Indianapolis, using the book, Facing Racism, as a resource. The course is designed as an interactive seminar to foster student discussion, discover family histories, and promote community involvement. The course is constructed from curriculum developed in the community program; It is Well With My Soul.

Faculty Mentor: Ruby Cain
Department: Educational Studies
Community Partners: Human Library Fort Wayne, Muncie Public Library, Purdue University Fort Wayne, It Is Well With My Soul, Whitely Community Council, Industry Neighborhood, Fort Wayne Urban League
Students: Adriana Arthur, Molly Boso, Vashon Broadnax,
Kara Duquette, Kizmin Jones, Lamaiya Lancaster, Alexis McKenzie, Ellen Sauer, Audrey Whitson

Children Facing Challenges Literature Project

Students enrolled in a two-course practicum partnered with Wes Del Elementary and learned about life-challenges faced by children in the Muncie community. Areas of research involved such difficult topics as food insecurity, child neglect, divorce, drug addiction, in addition to other challenges. Ball State students then evaluated and selected children’s literature that provides support to these children and the immediate community. Supportive text-related activities were developed around book selections and students worked within the school to provide in-service training for the curriculum. Finally, they worked to determine the impact of the project on the school community and the students themselves.

Faculty Mentor: Carolyn Hitchens
Departments: Elementary Education
Community Partners: Wes Del Elementary
Students: Natalie Carder, Julia Coons, Dannielle Delee, Courtney Eck, Audrey Gemberling, Lauryn Gray, Hannah Hewson, Jessica Howell, Chrissy Kennedy, Kelsey Kincanon, Megan Marchal, Anna Portwood, Mackenzie Sheets, Riley Worden

Unmasked: Recovery and Redemption

In 2016, a class of Ball State students examined the use of meth in Delaware County. “Unmasked: The Stigma of Meth” resulted in www.stigmaunmasked.com, a website with original content that included a 30-minute documentary, and a 40-page magazine. The focus of the work was on Muncie couple and recovering addicts Brian and Rhea Graham. In 2018-19, a new cohort looked at the growing recovering community of addicts in Delaware County and throughout Indiana. “Unmasked: Recovery and Redemption,” reported on what has changed for the Grahams, as well. There was a focus on recovery and rehabilitation. We heard from addicts in search of recovery and the obstacles they face, including funding for residential treatment. We talked to experts in the field of addiction and endeavored to create a resource guide for recovering addicts and their families and friends. The report included stories, web videos, audio reports, and photography to update the existing website and a second edition of the Unmasked Magazine. The project culminated in mid-April with a “Story Walk,” an interactive event with sources and artifacts from student research to interact with the public.You can also check out the great work they’ve done so far!

Spring 2019

Faculty Mentor: Juli Metzger
Department: Journalism
Community Partner: Ball Brothers Foundation
Students: Noah Adamek, Olivia Adams, Camille Breck, Bailey Cline, Summer Davis, Lauren Delorenzo, Loren Dent, Mary Freda, Shelby Jones, Michelle Kaufman, Samantha Kupianinen,
Robbie Moscato-Goodpaster, Patrick Murphy, Brenton Roy, Christian Sarber, Paige Washington, Emily Wright